Wednesday, March 23, 2011

M. Biada's Lemon Ginger Wonder Drink

This winter has been the season of the plague. It feels like everyone I know has been knocked out at some point and sometimes they come back just to get knocked down again. This was true for me. I’ve been in a knock down drag out fight for the last few weeks and I’m finally winning (fingers crossed).
Want to know something that helped get me through? This cup of magic. Check out The Fantastic Mr. Feedbag for better pictures. Because I don’t have a French press (I’m not a coffee drinker), I followed Patrice’s advice to boil the garlic and ginger in water for 10 minutes. It was perfect. If you’re fighting the plague (or just a hangover), make this. You won’t regret it.

M. Biada’s Lemon Ginger Wonder Drink from The Fantastic Mr. Feedbag:

Tea kettle full of almost boiling water
1” cube ginger, peeled and cut into small pieces
1 clove garlic, smashed and roughly chopped
1 Tb. of honey
1 lemon, peel chopped off if not organic, or if organic, washed and cut into wedges that can be squeezed easily.
1 pinch of powdered cayenne pepper

Heat water in tea kettle until almost boiling on the stove. Cut garlic, ginger, and lemon and add to your French press. If you’re using a lemon that’s not organic, peel the lemon before cutting into a dice, squeeze diced lemons into French press, releasing some of the juice before putting diced lemon in press. Add tablespoon of honey and pinch of powdered cayenne pepper. Add almost boiling water from tea kettle, stirring ingredients in French press with a wooden spoon.

Using the French press, plunge down onto ingredients 3 – 4 times, applying pressure to release flavor. Pull press half-way up and let steep for up 3-5 minutes before serving. Because I don’t have a French press (I’m not a coffee drinker), I followed Patrice’s advice to boil the garlic and ginger in water for 10 minutes. It was perfect.

Serve in a mug and feel that nastiness leaving you.

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