Friday, December 12, 2008

Crunchberry Ice Cream

This ice cream was inspired by a Portland must see and my favorite doughnut shop, Voodoo Doughnut. If you've come to Portland, go there. If you live here and haven't, go there now. You can see the doughnut that brought about this crazy experiment on the menu page. It’s the second doughnut on the top row. Basically, what happened was my husband bought more Captain Crunch (because it was on sale and because he loves it), while mocking my “adult” cereal choice. This led to a silly discussion of the Captain, which led to a “hey, you should make ice cream like that Voodoo Doughnut.”

And it tastes like an ice cream version of the doughnut. The experiment was a success!

What I did was this:

Makes 1 quart

Recipe from Orange Cream Dream Ice Cream minus the orange concentrate
1 heaping cup of Captain Crunchberry Cereal

Make the base and mix in the vanilla extract. Add to mixer and mix according to instructions. Two minutes before the ice cream is done, add the cereal. You do this at the end to make sure it doesn’t get soggy and also so it doesn’t all sink to the bottom. It is initially soft serve and becomes more like hard pack after two hours in the freezer.

It’s so good! I doubt it’ll last very long.

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